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Cara Memperbaiki Windows Store Hilang Pada Windows 10

Cara Memperbaiki Windows Store Hilang Pada Windows 10

Beberapa waktu lalu sistem operasi yang saya gunakan yaitu windows 10 terdapat update dan tanpa berpikir panjang, saya pun langsung download update tersebut lalu menginstalnya. Namun setelah update berhasil diinstal windows store/bursa dan microsoft edge tiba-tiba menghilang entah kemana. Saya cari di kotak pencarian pun tidak ada sama sekali.

Lalu setelah googling kesana kemari saya menemukan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, langsung saja simak caranya dibawah ini yang saya dapatkan dari sini:

*untuk solusi mengembalikkan microsoft edge yang hilang pada windows 10 klik disini.

The recent updates have made Windows Store applications in a Windows 10 PC important as the users can directly head over to the store and download any application one wants to. The Windows Store is the legit and one of the safest way to get your applications onboard. Some people have reported that the Windows Store app is not opening or in fact even that the Windows Store app is missing once they updated to Windows 10 and moreover other users have also reported that the Xbox App is missing from the list after update. This post also tells you how to reinstall Windows 10 Store by using a single PowerShell command.

Windows Store app missing

Fret not, the missing app problem in Windows 10 can be solved and you can get back all the apps that come default with the Windows 10. We would request you to go through the steps elucidated below and recover the missing applications by using an elevated Windows Powershell prompt.
Windows Store app missing in Windows 10

1. First things first, download the file Reinstall-preinstalledApps.zip from Microsoft and extract the contents of the folder. Ensure that the file Reinstall-preinstalledApps.zip is in the following directory:

2. In the PowerShell prompt that you have opened as an as administrator, enter this command and hit Enter:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
If it asks you to change the execution policy, press Y and hit Enter.

3. Without exiting Power Shell, enter the following command now:

 cd C:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads

This command will take you to the location where the PowerShell script is. Note that you need to replace the YourUserName in the command with your actual Windows account username. Now all you need to do is enter the command below and hit “Enter”:

.\reinstall-preinstalledApps.ps1 *Microsoft.WindowsStore*

4. If you have followed the above mentioned step without any deviations, you should be able to find the Windows Store on your Windows 10, but before doing that we would suggest you to reset your Windows Store using WSReset.exe.

This will reset the Windows Store cache and just in case we would also advise you to pin the Windows Store to your taskbar or the start menu.

5. Once you have done the job, re-enable enforcement for signed PowerShell scripts by typing executing the Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned command.

Reinstall Windows 10 Store

If you wish to reinstall Windows 10 Store, you can also open an elevated PowerShell windows, type the following command and hit Enter:

Get-AppXPackage *WindowsStore* -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

There you go folks the Windows Store back on your Windows 10, enjoy and do let us know how well it worked for you in the comment section below.

Terimakasih semoga bermanfaat.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown ~ Satores

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